UHBVN Haryana Online Service Pay & View Electricity Bill/Lodge Complaint/Apply New Connection

Organization : UHBVN Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd
Facility : Pay & View Electricity Bill/Complaint Handling Procedure/New Connection Above 10KW/Biometric Attendance System
Applicable State : Haryana
Home Page : http://www.uhbvn.org.in/web/portal/home

UHBVN Haryana Online Service

Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVNL), a Govt. of Haryana undertaking undertakes the Power Distribution and Retail Supply Business in the Northern Parts of Haryana.

Related / Similar Service : HUDA Plot Status Enquiry

UHBVN Pay Electricity Bill

Pay your electricity bill online in Haryana through UHBVN website. Go to the link of Pay Bills Online available in the home page. You can pay your bill using 10 digit or 12 digit account number.

Payment Options :
** Pay Bill Online
** Banks
** Post Office
** Easy Bills
** S/D Collection Centers

Bill Payment

Steps :
Step 1 : Enter your 10 Digit or 12 digit Account Number
Step 2 : Click I am not robot checkbox
Step 3 : Click Proceed Button
Step 4 : Then select your payment mode to make payment online.

View Payment History

Step 1 : Click View Payment History tab to view your transaction.
Step 2 : You can view the details using Account Number, Bank Reference Id or Reference Id. Enter your value according to selection criteria.

Types of Payment :
** Quick Bill Payment
** Bulk Bill Payment

Bulk Bill Payment :
Enter Multiple Account Numbers
Please Enter Your 3 digit SubDivision Code (F11) followed by 9 digit Account Number (Without Slashes Hyphen).

eg : Enter Multiple Account No Splitted by Comma(,)

Quick Bill Payment :
Just enter Account Number to make payment. Login Feature has been Disabled here.

View Bill

Select option as RAPDRP or Non RAPDRP.
If you select RAPDRP, then you will be redirect to account login page.

Steps :
Step 1 : Enter your Account Number
Step 2 : Enter your Password
Step 3 : Click Login Button

Steps :
If you select Non RAPDRP, You can enter your account number alone and click on proceed button.
Step 1 : Enter Account Number – 3 Digit Sub division code + First 9 digit of A/c no.(Without Slashes Hyphen) e.g A21PS170504P(12 DIGIT A/C NO)
Step 2 : Enter Captcha Code
Step 3 : Click on Proceed Button.

UHBVN Complaint Handling Procedure

Pursuant to clause 21.2 of the Distribution and Retail Supply Licence, the HVPNL hereby lays down the following Complaint Handling Procedure relating to Distribution and Retail Supply.

Nature of complaints

The consumer Complaints are categorized under the following eight broad heads :
** Interruption/failure of power supply
** Voltage variation
** Scheduled outage / Load shedding
** Metering
** Billing
** Disconnection / Reconnection
** New connection/ Extension of load
** Miscellaneous

Procedure for Lodging of complaints :
** Complaints can be lodged in writing or on telephone with the complaint center or concerned SDO and should have the essential information as per Annexure-I.

** In the event of non-response or inadequate response by the Complaint Center or the SDO within the time period prescribed for various types of complaints

Lodge A Complaint

Steps :
Step 1 : Enter Account No
Step 2 : Enter Mobile No
Step 3 : Enter Email ID
Step 4 : Select Category
Step 5 : Enter Reference ID
Step 6 : Enter Remarks
Step 7 : Click on Submit Button.

Where to lodge :
The names of the staff and their contact address/number(s) where consumers can lodge their complaints as also the name and contact address/telephone number of concerned XEN who should be approached in case of delay in the redressal of

complaint would be notified as under :
** By display/dissemination of the above information on the back of bills and/or separate handouts attached to the bills from time to time.
** By display of the above information on notice boards outside the offices of all SDO’s and XEN’s.

Time Limits

Time limits for redressal of complaints :
** In the case of normal fuse-off calls requiring replacement of HT/LT fuses at the distribution transformer or fuses at the consumer premises

** In the case of line breakdowns the supply shall be restored within 8 hours of receiving the complaint in towns/cities and within 16 hours of receiving the complaint in rural areas.

** In the case of failure of distribution transformer, the supply shall be restored within 24 hours of receiving the complaint

** In case of major failure involving Power transformer, the normal supply shall be restored within 7 days. However, in such cases alternate arrangements to supply power to the affected areas would be made within 24 hours.

UHBVN Update Mobile No

Follow the below steps to update your Mobile number.
Steps :
Step 1 : Enter Account No
Step 2 : Enter Mobile No
Step 3 : Enter Email ID
Step 4 : Tick the Check Box I hereby give my consent to share my Adhaar No for UHBVN Office use only
Step 5 : Enter Adhaar No (Optional)
Step 6 : Click on Update button.

UHBVN Apply For New Connection

The applicant desires to have and agrees to take Electrical supply for th e purpose stated in the Application and Agreement form, from the supplier at the premises stated, not exceeding the sanctioned load of the installation.

Apply For New Connection Above 10KW :
** Schedule Of Tariff
** Instructions of Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. of Haryana
** Schedule of General and Miscellaneous Charge

Application Form

General Information :
Step 1 : Select Circle
Step 2 : Select Sub Division
Step 3 : Select Category
Step 4 : Select Date
Step 5 : Enter Application
Step 6 : Select Type of Supply

Applicant Particulars Details :
Step 1 : Select Applicant Type Individual/Firm Name
Step 2 : Enter Name & Designation
Step 3 : Enter Select Father/Husband/Director/Partner
Step 4 : Enter Identity Proof

Address at which supply is required(Please enter complete details) :
Step 1 : Enter Plot/Flat No/House No
Step 2 : Enter Address Line1
Step 3 : Enter Landmark
Step 4 : Enter City/Village
Step 5 : Enter PinCode
Step 6 : Enter Email
Step 7 : Enter Mobile
Step 8 : Enter Authorized Area [Y/N]
Step 9 : Enter Aadhar Number
Step 10 : Enter Correspondence Address- Same as above

Step 11 : Tick the Check Box I/ we agree to the terms and conditions
Step 12 : Enter the given image text
Step 13 : Click on Apply Button.


** Users should fill in the details in the On-Line Application form at the appropriate places very carefully.
** Form detail should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the form. Any change/alteration found may disqualify the application.

** Users should cross-check the data before submitting.
** When the data is saved, E-form number will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.
** Track your connection application using E-form number

** Before pressing the “APPLY” button, users are advised to verify every field filled in the application. No change/edit will be allowed after submission.
** Once the application is completely filled, applicant should submit the data by pressing the apply button.

** Applicants are required to take a printout of the application form.
** Applicants should note down the E-form number

** Note Point 2 “The above procedure is the only valid for applying new connection for the mentioned categories.”

** Industrial Any Load
** Other Category Above 20 KW

Note :
** There is also a provision to reprint the submitted application.

** Any information submitted by an applicant in his/her application shall be binding on the candidate personally and he/she shall be liable for prosecution/civil consequences in case the information/details furnished by him/her are found to be false at a later stage.

UHBVN Biometric Attendance System

The Attendance ID will be generated from you Aadhaar number, the 6 digit number will be generated based on the last 6 or first 6 digits of your Aadhaar number.


Instructions for filling the Employee On-boarding request form :
** Enter your Full Name.
** Enter date of birth (format DD-MM-YYYY)
** Select your Gender.

** Please provide your 12 digit Aadhaar number
** Enter your email.
** Enter your 10 digit mobile number.
** Hit the “Next” button or click on Organization details tab to complete the second part of the form.

** Select Employee Type
** Select the name of your Division/Unit within the Organization
** Select your Designation (only when Employee Type is Government)

** Select your office location.(e.g. your office building name)
** Upload your recent scanned/digital picture in “.jpg” format of max file size 100 KB.
** Please enter the captcha code.
** Please review the form before submission.

How to mark Attendance

** To get your Attendance ID, register online at attendance.gov.in.
** Attendance ID has been sent by SMS to your registered Mobile Number.

Steps :
** Enter your 6-digit Attendance ID on Screen
** A Red light will start to glow on Finger Print Scanner
** Now put any one of your fingers on the Finger Print Scanner
** DO NOT move your finger on scanner otherwise finger prints will not be properly scanned

** DO NOT Press very hard on Finger Print Scanner
** Once the screen shows “Authenticating, Please Wait”. Remove your finger from the scanner
** A pop-up screen will show your Photo and Attendance Type as “Opening” for the first time you mark the attendance for that day

** If Attendance Type is “Closing” then it will be counted as OUT Time. However, OUT time would be the LAST “Closing” time marked by you. Any “Closing” time in-between “Opening” time and Last “Closing” time would be ignored

** If, you see a CROSS instead of your photo, then some ERROR has occurred while marking attendance.
** You will be able to mark your attendance in any bio-metric terminal installed in various Central Government buildings

What each ERROR means :
** Error 300 or 500 – Mark your attendance using other finger/thumb

** Error 997 – Your finger prints are not properly registered at UIDAI. Please get your Finger Prints and Iris re-scanned at permanent Aadhaar Centers near you. Don’t forget to mention your Aadhaar number.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an Energy Meter?
Energy meter is a device to measure the consumption of energy by the consumer.

2. How accuracy of the meter is defined?
As per IS 137779/ IEC61036/ ID13010 accuracy of the meter is defined by comparing the difference of energy consumption recorded by “Meter under test” and of “Reference Meter” with the energy consumption recorded by a reference meter. Accuracy (%) = (EMUT – ERef) x 100 (E Ref). The accuracy of both Mechanical and Electronic meter is defined by above equation.

3. Which is more accurate- mechanical meter or electronic meter?
Electronic meters are more accurate than mechanical meter. The best mechanical meter can have an accuracy of 0.5% whereas electronic meter are available upto accuracy of 0.005%. Almost all meters for industrial, grid, transformers and for bulk consumers are electronic meter.

4. What is the meaning of fast meter?
In general if a meter is found recording more energy in comparison to other meter, it is called as fast meter. This comparison is quite misleading. As defined earlier a meter with positive accuracy error only should be called as fast meter

5. Why electronic meter are considered as fast meter?
If two meters are accurate, than under the recommended reference conditions they will record same irrespective of the technology.

However, due to following parameters it is observed that mechanical meter record less consumption :
a. High Starting current
b. Narrow Current range
c. Installation method
d. Aging process

Categories: Facility
Tags: uhbvn.org.in
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